Mo’o – Water Dragons

Hawaiian lore speaks of female 12- 30-foot dragon-like beings who are servants or helpers of humankind who align humans to both Spirit and Nature. Water dragons have the gifts of long-life, wisdom, deep seeing. Perhaps, possessiveness of places and people they protect. These beings are protectors of water and places of water. In her new book, Tanis Helliwell was contacted by the Mo’okane to tell their story in “The High Beings of Hawaii: Encounters with Mystical Ancestors”.

Mo’o means “lizard god” in the local vernacular. In ancient times the Hawaiian people thought it was a guardian-spirit god, protecting people, places, and geographic areas, especially where freshwater springs flowed. These creatures, mostly female, are known to be fickle. Mo’okane are shape-shifting anthropomorphic half reptilian looking beings and Mo’o can be protective at certain times and very troublesome at others. Our intentions and frequencies tell much about us.

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